All About Parrots

Education Station


The Captive Life Span of parrots

The average life span for a parrot in captivity is considerably shorter than his potential life span. This is due mostly to nutritional problems and a lack of veterinary care early in a disease process. Birds will do their best to hide their illness, sometimes until they're too ill to recover. Learn about th approximate life spans for various species of birds (keep in mind that how long your bird lives has a lot to do with proper diet and proper veterinary care):


Parrots must have a varied diet consisting of mostly fresh vegetable, fruits a few pellets and nuts. Parrots should not eat seeds unless an occasional treat. Some birds have to be transitioned from an all seed diet to a healthy diet. This can take months.

The key to success is to keep trying different things and different ways to feed it.



A busy beak is a happy beak! Parrot toys can be an integral part of everyday life for many birds. Toys can offer enrichment opportunities, foraging opportunities, and just plain fun!